Coalitions and Councils

Lane County CCO Community Advisory Council

About the CAC

Lane County has two Coordinated Care Organizations (CCOs), PacificSource Community Solutions and Trillium Community Health Plan, who work together to coordinate healthcare for individuals covered under the Oregon Health Plan (OHP). The Lane County CCO Community Advisory Council (CAC) is a consumer-led effort focused on:

  • Finding ways to make healthcare better
  • Guiding health assessments and deciding how money is spent for the community
  • Supporting practices that make sure people are treated fairly
  • Using lived experiences to improve community health and wellness

The CAC includes Oregon Health Plan (OHP) members from both CCOs and representatives from education, public health, and community based organizations who serve OHP members. Lane County’s CCO Prevention staff provide support to the CAC and their respective workgroup and committees: Prevention Workgroup, Rural Advisory Committee, Member Engagement Committee, and Health Equity Committee. These focused groups assist the CAC in meeting the objectives laid out in the Community Health Improvement Plan and support coordinated efforts to address health disparities among CCO members.

Contact Kayla Watford via email or phone (458-217-4703) to learn more about available opportunities.

View CAC Orientation

In English

en español

You can get this letter in another language, large print, or another way that is best for you. You can also have a language interpreter. This help is free of charge. We accept all relay calls.

Trillium: 877-600-5472 (TTY/TDD: 711)
PacificSource: 800-431-4135 (TTY: 711)

Información acerca del CAC

El Condado de Lane cuenta con dos Organizaciones de Atención Coordinada (CCO por sus siglas en inglés), PacificSource Community Solutions y Trillium Community Health Plan, la cuales trabajan en conjunto para poder coordinar la atención médica para las personas cubiertas bajo el Plan de Salud de Oregon (OHP, por sus siglas en inglés). El Consejo Asesor Comunitario (CAC) de las CCO del Condado de Lane es una medida dirigida por los consumidores que se enfoca en:

  • Encontrar formas de mejorar la atención médica
  • Guiar las evaluaciones de salud y decidir cómo se utiliza el dinero para la comunidad
  • Apoyar prácticas que garanticen que las personas reciban un trato justo
  • Utilizar experiencias vividas para poder mejorar la salud y el bienestar de la comunidad

El CAC incluye miembros de OHP tanto de las CCO, como representantes de organizaciones de educación, de salud pública y comunitarias que prestan sus servicios a miembros del Plan de Salud de Oregon (OHP).

El personal de Prevención de las CCO del Condado de Lane brinda apoyo al CAC y a sus respectivos grupos de trabajo y comités: Grupo de Trabajo de Prevención, Comité Asesor Rural, Comité de Participación de Miembros, y Comité de Equidad en Salud. Estos grupos de enfoque ayudan al CAC a cumplir los objetivos establecidos en el Plan de Mejoramiento de Salud Comunitaria y apoyan las medidas coordinadas para poder abordar las desigualdades en la salud entre los miembros de las CCO.

¿Preguntas acerca del CAC o de cómo solicitar? Llame a Eliza Loera a (541) 682-8709

Usted puede recibir este documento en otro idioma, impreso en una letra más grande o de otra manera que sea mejor para usted. También puede solicitar un intérprete. Esta ayuda es sin costo. Aceptamos llamadas del servicio de retransmisión.

Trillium: 877-600-5472 (TTY/TDD: 711)
PacificSource: 800-431-4135 (TTY: 711)

GamAware Coalition of Lane County (Gambling & Video Gaming Addiction Awareness)

We are comprised of people with lived experience, affected others, treatment provider, and public health & non-profit professionals. Our efforts have a focus on public awareness, education and policy.

  • Increase community awareness that gambling & video gaming harms are preventable and treatable public health problems
  • Bring Take A Break Toolkits to community events to teach about the brain science of addiction and ways people can add small mental health supports into their lives
  • Present to the public about potential gambling and video gaming harms while promoting protective factors
  • Advocate for local and statewide policy changes

We meet monthly on the 3rd Tuesday of the Month from 3:45-5pm. Join by phone, video, or in person in Eugene. All are welcome to join monthly or stop by as a guest. For more information about our coalition, visit the GamAware website.

Suicide Prevention Coalition of Lane County (SPCLC)

Since 2007, the Suicide Prevention Coalition of Lane County has been dedicated to implementing proactive strategies to raise awareness for suicide prevention and provide educational opportunities to people in Lane County. SPCLC members are people with lived experience of suicide, healthcare professionals, educators, social service providers and community leaders. The group is chaired by community members and staffed by Lane County Public Health representatives. The objectives of the SPCLC are to:

  • Identify and address gaps in the continuity of care for people at risk of suicide
  • Provide and promote opportunities for suicide prevention and mental health education for the public and professionals
  • Assist in implementing public awareness campaigns related to mental health promotion, stigma reduction, and suicide prevention
  • Assist Lane County schools in their suicide prevention and mental health promotion efforts in accordance with SB 52 (Adi’s Act)
  • Advocate for mental health promotion & suicide prevention services, supports, and resources in accordance with the Mental Health & Addictions Plan and the Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP)

The SPCLC meets online the first Monday of each month from 3:30 – 5:00. Click here for more information on the work of the SPCLC and how to join.